







Data Interrogation

Getting the right answer


Data Analyst Job Description

 A Data Analyst, sometimes also known as a number cruncher, is a data specialist, most often in the accounting or investigative  fields, who by means of analytical methodologies makes sense of numbers by breaking up data into core elements.


Roles of a Data Analyst

data analyst job description


  • Plan and implement data project requirements in conjunction with stakeholders
  • Assign and allocate resources and responsibilities
  • Oversee the acquisition of valuable data
  • Ensure / consider the viability of data for intended deliverables
  • Use common sense approaches to ensure tactical advantage
  • Identify / Acquire additional resources to complete project or add value if required
  • Consider the advantages of data entry or data mining methodologies of acquiring data
  • Prepare data for analysis (cleaning or scrubbing data)
  • Establish occurrence of trends and / or patterns if such pertain to required outcomes
  • Extract useful indicators pertaining to the desired deliverables
  • Compare findings to relevant trends and / or patterns
  • Report conclusions to stakeholder in an understandable manner
  • Present key findings recommendations to stakeholders